Interesting Articles 2024


After two long nights at airports, first that of Malpensa and then that of Jeddha, we finally arrived in Delhi. What we most wanted right now was a bed, and none better than that of the Smyle Inn, big as her own. It is located in Main Bazar, in the area of ​​Paharganj (the backpackers favorite), a short walk from the New Delhi train station.

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Turner exhibition at the Prado Museum in Madrid, until September 19

Exhibition of the English landscape designer Turner at the Prado Museum in Madrid You already have the opportunity until September 19 to visit the Turner and the Masters exhibition that takes place at the Prado Museum in Madrid. This exhibition is, without a doubt, a good occasion to visit Madrid in summer, and in it you can enjoy the work of the English landscape designer Josehp Mallord William Turner, a precursor of impressionist painting.

The cliffs of Étretat and Honfleur

Day 1: GIRONA - BEAUVAIS AIRPORT - ÉTRETAT CLIFFS - HONFLEUR - CAEN Thursday, August 15, 2013 Ringggggg, Ringggggg ... mmm ... alarm clock? But if it's only 4 in the morning !!! That's right, it's 4 o'clock in the morning, but today we get up without swirling in bed ... today is a special day, today we go on a trip to Normandy and we will enter through the cliffs of Étretat and Honfleur.


NOTICE! This post contains a high dose of freakism (and we love it) A LUCKY HIT It was what a farmer from Matamata had, a town lost by the northern island of New Zealand. Imagine that you are so hot with your sheep, cows and hills when suddenly they propose to transform your FARM into one of the sets of one of the most successful films in history: The Lord of the Rings!

Visit the Kruger National Park

Conocido por ser uno de los espacios naturales más importantes del mundo, el Parque Nacional Kruger tiene una extensión de prácticamente 2 millones de hectáreas en las que conviven 5000 rinocerontes blancos, 350 rinocerontes negros, 4900 antílopes acuáticos, 150 antílopes rojizos, 37000 búfalos, 28000 cebras, 120 guepardos, 2000 leones, 8000 jirafas, 3000 hipopótamos, 1000 leopardos, 13000 elefantes, 9000 ñues, 4000 jabalíes, 2000 hienas y 150000 impalas, entre otras muchas especies que lo convierten en uno de los lugares más impresionantes de Sudáfrica.

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Via Dolorosa to the Holy Sepulcher and Western Wall in Jerusalem

Día 8 : JERUSALÉN - VÍA DOLOROSA - SANTO SEPULCRO - MURO DE LAS LAMENTACIONES Viernes, 28 de diciembre del 2012 Hoy nos hemos levantado a las 6 de la mañana. El día de ayer fue lo bastante completo como para que anoche cayésemos como troncos y esta mañana ya estemos totalmente recuperados. Lo primero que hacemos es ir a desayunar, al ya habitual salón de desayunos del Abraham Hostel y sin demorarnos demasiado, nos vamos directos al que será hoy el plato fuerte del día, La Vía Dolorosa.

4 essential visits on your tourist trip to Prague in Czech Republic

Prague Castle and Cathedral - Czech Republic Are you going to make your first trip to Prague? Do you know that it is a city that has been declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco? This is a reflection of the great tourist attraction that the capital of the Czech Republic has, with numerous monuments and places of great tourist and cultural interest.

Cardona Castle and Parador, a place of history and legend

Cardona Castle in the province of Barcelona When we considered a trip to discover landscapes and places in the interior of the province of Barcelona, ​​in Catalonia, the truth is that only the image of Cardona Castle was attractive enough to do so. Its location on top of a hill next to the town of Cardona, in the region of Osona, and its great fortification, makes it understandable that it is a castle that throughout history has been impregnable.

Sunrise on Bromo volcano

Day 10: MALANG - BROMO - SURABAYA Sunday, June 19, 2011 How? It can not be! It's 00:30 in the morning! We will see the sunrise at Bromo volcano, one of the queens stages of our trip to Indonesia. What do we have to get going to see the sunrise on the Bromo? Whose idea was it?

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What if we tell you that you can still find islands without mass tourism in Thailand? Koh Mook is one of the many that still escape the large crowds of visitors who, like us, just want to enjoy the wonderful Thai coasts, but end up changing a place, an ecosystem and a town.

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What to see in Monaco in one day

Day 4: NICE - MONACO - VILLAFRANCHE-SUR-MER - NICE Saturday, September 12, 2009 We have to get up early to start one of the most complete days of this trip on the Côte d'Azur. We will have breakfast in the lounge of the All Season Hotel in Nice, a good breakfast, quite complete and that charges us the batteries to visit Monaco in one day and return to Nice at night, since we will stay here again, being the Accommodation prices in Monaco almost prohibitive.


67 Days, 15 large cities, countless towns, 27 states, 2 cars and a motorhome, about 100 hours of buses and 15,632 kilometers: they are just numbers, but for us they are much more ... and that is that our trip through the United States has been One of the best of our backpacking life. Many of you asked us about the places that we liked the most, so we have planned to collect the top 10 of our trip to the United States, the best of the best 🙂 Here we go!


We have news for all tourists (and the odd countryman): ladies & gentlemen: Spain is much more than flamenco, paella and Gaudí! And eye, God (or Buddha, Allah, Ra or Zeus) we witness: we love flamenco, paella and Gaudí. Peeeeero, we must recognize that many of us have a hard time leaving “the usual places” to discover new corners, even if we have them a stone's throw away.